Starting a group, or growing one? Check out our resources toolkit to help you get involved in Toronto’s climate action.

How to Use this Toolkit
This Toolkit was created as a part of the Toronto Climate Action Network’s commitment to growing the climate movement and increasing engagement in Toronto’s climate action.

Learn About TransformTO
Learn about TransformTO: Check out our blog post on how to learn more about Toronto’s climate action strategy, TransformTO. For the City’s latest climate updates and to get involved, visit Live Green Toronto. Technical information on TransformTO such as GHG emissions, goals and targets can be found here.

Land Acknowledgement Framework
The practice of acknowledging the land, as well as the laws and peoples connected to the land, is a longstanding custom practised by Indigenous communities and predates European contact. It is a gesture of respect, gratitude, and humility.

Standing Rock Syllabus
The Standing Rock Syllabus project contributes to the already substantial work of the Sacred Stones Camp, Red Warrior Camp, and the Oceti Sakowin Camp to resist the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Green Neighbours Network of Toronto
Green Neighbours Network of Toronto: Join one of these community groups working together to make Toronto greener, healthier & more sustainable.

Collaborative Leadership
Collaborative Leadership: The Tamarack Institute provides a host of resources connected to learning about collaborative leadership and how to implement it into your organization.

Reimagining Governance
Reimagining Governance: A resource from the Ontario Non-Profit Network (ONN) looks at new approaches to non-profit governance.

Next Generation Governance
Next Generation Governance: Looking to level-up your governance structures? Check out this resource on Emerging Leaders’ Perspectives on Governance in the Nonprofit Sector.

Community Engagement Primer
Community Engagement Primer: Looking to get your community involved? The Tamarack Institute has a fantastic introduction to community engagement and an extensive catalogue of further reading.

Land Back
The project of Land Back is about reclaiming Indigenous jurisdiction: breathing life into rights and responsibilities. This Red Paper is about how Canada dispossesses Indigenous peoples from the land, and in turn, what communities are doing to get it back.

Skills for Solidarity
Skills for Solidarity is an online, introductory program that opens up a conversation about the shared history between Indigenous Peoples and non-Indigenous Peoples in Canada.

Climate Specific Resources
Need some Climate Specific Resources? has got you covered.

Build a Campaign, Project, or Group
Build a Campaign, Project, or Group: Seeds of Change have an incredible set of guides designed to help you be more effective in your campaign, co-op, or project.

Get Involved at City Hall
Jennifer Pagliaro’s article for the Toronto Star, A citizen's guide to getting involved at city hall.

How to Make a Deputation at City Hall
The Toronto Environmental Alliance’s guide to making a deputation at Toronto City Hall.