Our network was formed to help foster collaboration and coordination among climate action groups in the Toronto area.
TCAN’s Mission
To foster collaboration among diverse, action-oriented organizations working in Toronto to prevent climate breakdown, strengthen climate resilience, and advance climate justice.
Interested in joining TCAN? Learn about the benefits of becoming a member.
Steering Committee
The following TCAN members form the current Steering Committee. The Steering Committee is elected annually at TCAN’s Annual General Meeting, typically in May.
Chloe Tse
Fridays for Future
Anne Keary
For Our Kids
General Members
Tara Seucharan, Council of Canadians
How-Sen Chong, Toronto Environmental Alliance
Lyn Adamson, ClimateFast
Jill Marzetti, Green 13
Administrative Officer
Treasurer: Stefan Hostetter
How We Started
An ad-hoc committee of members of various GTA climate action groups conducted a survey of participants who attended a roundtable that was held in January 2012, and representatives of groups that did not attend the roundtable. Based on the results of that survey we decided to proceed with a meeting (summit). The summit was held on August 27, 2012. One outcome of the summit was that the participating groups agree on a single demand to submit to the federal government. This demand would also involve actions to reinforce this demand.
On January 19, 2013 we met to discuss the formation of a network of Toronto climate action groups. Nearly 30 individuals representing approximately 15 groups agreed that a network was necessary. A transitional team was established to set up the framework for the network.
At the March meeting, the transitional team presented the draft rules and regulations for the network. The representatives present unanimously endorsed them after recommending a number of modifications.
Our first General Meeting was held on March 11, 2013 and a Steering Committee was elected.