The people, united, will never be defeated!
TCAN 2024 Climate Action Summit Report
The goal of the TCAN Climate Action Summit was to bring Toronto climate activists together and provide an opportunity for connecting, sharing, learning, and strategizing and - judging from the feedback we received - , the Summit achieved its goal. Over one hundred registered for the event and the majority reported that they appreciated the opportunity for in-person rather than on-line conversations, learned a lot from the diversity of speakers and topics, and left energized and mobilized!
TCAN Bill 23 Media Release
Groups urges province to halt Bill 23, calls on all Ontarians to join Days of Action on Dec 3 & 4
Pledge to continue opposition to Bill 23 for as long as it takes.
Our TransformTO Journey
In July 2017, Toronto City Council unanimously passed TransformTO, the City’s climate action strategy. Many of TCAN’s member groups have engaged deeply with TransformTO – supported its inception, contributed to core elements, advocated for funding, and critiqued its gaps. Our journey to build an equitable, zero-carbon city continues.
How to Use the Resource Toolkit
This Toolkit was created as a part of the Toronto Climate Action Network’s commitment to growing the climate movement and increasing engagement in Toronto’s climate action. Too often, we are told to “get involved” without any pathways to do so, and it is our hope that this website and toolkit will help provide those opportunities.
Climate Emergency Declaration in Toronto
On October 2, 2019, Toronto City Council voted unanimously infavour of declaring a Climate Emergency.
Picture2050: Today's Photos Can Show Us Our Future City
To build the kind of city we want, we need to imagine it. Submit your photos that represent the Toronto you would like to see in 2050. Each picture submitted is a building block of the future city that we will bring to life together.
The goal of the TCAN Climate Action Summit was to bring Toronto climate activists together and provide an opportunity for connecting, sharing, learning, and strategizing and - judging from the feedback we received - , the Summit achieved its goal. Over one hundred registered for the event and the majority reported that they appreciated the opportunity for in-person rather than on-line conversations, learned a lot from the diversity of speakers and topics, and left energized and mobilized!