Transportation in a Time of Climate Crisis #4: Carsharing, EVs and Urban Freight
About this event
We wrap up our series on Transportation in a Time of Climate Crisis by looking at Carsharing, Electric Vehicles, and Urban Freight. Using these means, combined with great transit; great walking, cycling and rolling; and complete communities, we can eliminate much of transportation’s climate impact, while reducing the amount of traffic on our streets and creating more space for people.
Our guests are John Stonier, CEO Electric Advantage, Past President of VEVA; Patrick Nangle, CEO of Modo Cooperative; and Guy Dauncey, Co-Chair of WE-CAN. Our MC is Iona Santos-Fresnoza, Founder of Kapé Philippine Coffee, a social enterprise for award-winning, single-origin coffee from Indigenous and women Filipino farmers, and Program Manager at the Immigrant Employment Council of BC.
This webinar series is presented by the West Coast Climate Action Network.