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Evaluating the Impact of Citizens Sharing Their Gifts – Lessons Learned from Abundant Communities Edmonton

Date: September 14, 2022 | 11:00 am - 12:00 p.m. ET

Speakers: Howard Lawrence and Jean-Marie Chapeau 

Abundant Communities Edmonton (ACE) is an Asset-Based Community Development grassroots initiative, supported by the Neighbourhood Services Section of The City of Edmonton to foster neighbour-to-neighbour connections throughout the city. Aligning with the city's strategic plan for 2019-2028, ACE released their Theory of Change, which details the different types of civic participation necessary to achieve their long-term outcome: A Neighbourly City.

In 2020, Abundant Communities Edmonton released its impact report, which highlights the various outcomes achieved in 2019 and 2020 with their Block Connector Program. In essence, this is a citizen-led initiative where individuals across the city connect with all the households within their neighbourhood. By connecting with everyone in the neighbourhood, the block connector acts as point a point person for the neighbourhood, connecting neighbours with similar interests, facilitating feedback from neighbours to the city and planning annual celebrations and events.

In this webinar, our consulting Director of Evaluating Impact, Jean-Marie Chapeau, will sit down with Abundant Community Edmonton’s Howard Lawrence, for a conversation on the 2020 Impact report from Abundant Community Edmonton, the lessons learned from evaluating the impact of citizens sharing their gifts and how to make evaluation simple and accessible for everyone.


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Howard Lawrence

Howard consults on neighbourhood health across North America and is employed with the City of Edmonton’s Neighbourhoods Section.

He is co-founder with the City of Edmonton, John McKnight and Peter Block of the Abundant Community Initiative. Assisting municipalities in refining their approaches to ABCD.

Howard continues to work collaboratively with ABCD Institute to find ways to enable neighbourhoods to “collectively envision and produce their preferred futures”. 

Jean-Marie Chapeau

Jean-Marie Chapeau is the Consulting Director Evaluating impact at the Tamarack Institute.

Deeply convinced that local and collaborative approaches are an essential lever in solving complex social issues, Jean-Marie has been involved in community development and social change for 25 years.

Jean-Marie mobilizes his experience, passion and curiosity to promote evaluation as a tool for empowerment in communities and to accompany individuals and groups in their learning processes. He is constantly seeking to build bridges between change-makers involved in inventing local solutions to poverty and exclusion.

He previously worked at Centraide of Greater Montreal, implementing innovative strategies and projects aimed at collective capacity building (training, coaching), particularly in social impact measurement, strategic learning and organizational development. In this role, Jean-Marie was responsible for the various evaluation and learning components of the Collective Impact Project (CIP), Montréal’s neighbourhood-based strategy to reduce poverty, and developed the Evaluation capacity-building approach to support local participatory evaluation.

Jean-Marie is a graduate in urban planning and business management. In the early 2000s, he initiated the very first urban farming initiatives in Montreal. He also worked for several years in the field of strategic consulting and foresight in Paris (France).

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