Eric Krause Memorial Lecture 2023: Recovery of our Natural Origins Ohonthon Taliwahdegwen "words which come before all else" with Dr. William Woodworth Raweno:kwas
The Haudenausaunee have been practicing a powerful offering to the natural world for centuries. This Thanksgiving Address places us a good mind to humbly surrender to all we have been given. These words continue to be given before the opening of every meeting. This practice is available to everyone.
About the Speaker
William Woodworth Raweno:kwas "he dips the words" is a Mohawk, Bear Clan member of the Six nations of the Grand River. He has a degree in architecture and practiced in Toronto for a number of years. Currently he teaches at the University of Waterloo at Architecture Cambridge where he is Elder in Residence. He lives in Hannon, Ontario with his partner.