As always, we invite you to gather with us and discuss arts activism ideas and projects.
We start with a group check-in, and then move to breakout groups so that everyone can work on the project/discussion that interests them most. We always welcome new projects and ideas for discussion!
This week, we are continuing our "reading group" about systemic racism in policing and prisons.
Other breakout groups are TBD by the group! They may include our ongoing topics of:
- Performances to support tenant rights - Rapid response to encampment clearing and evictions
You can find us from 7 - 9pm via Zoom, link to be posted on the day. Message us, check slack, or e-mail for the password. (It's the same password as usual).
This is a space that is open to everyone, whether you've identified as an artist or activist in the past, or not. It's a space for finding collaborators, doing fun creative things, and continuing the fight for climate justice and all of its intersections. It's a space for checking in and drinking tea with like-minded folks because we could all use a little more of that.
If you have any questions, send us a message or e-mail