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Hope & Climate Action at the Local Level: 2022 Ontario Municipal Election

Speakers Phil Pothen and Maude Barlow explore the big climate impacts of local decision making and the importance of municipal elections

About this event

Join the Ontario Climate Emergency Campaign (OCEC: and co-host Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, Ontario Chapter ( ) for this timely pre-municipal election webinar to learn about the high level impacts of local level decision making and the power of municipal elections to secure your future amidst a climate emergency.

The climate crisis is the single greatest threat to human health and the economy. It affects every aspect of our lives from affordability, jobs and our homes to food security. It threatens the future of the people and places we love.

Local municipal governments have huge impact on our day to day lives. The current provincial government, making environmentally damaging decisions, represents only 18% of all Ontario voters largely due to the lowest voter turnout in Ontario history in June 2022. Your vote matters.

Our two remarkable speakers will discuss how the October 24, 2022 Ontario municipal election is our greatest immediate opportunity to push back for climate action. Phil Pothen, lawyer with Environmental Defence, will discuss his extensive work to curb urban sprawl, its devastating impacts on our environment, health and food supply, and the massive climate impacts of municipal level decision making. Maude Barlow, celebrated activist and author, will speak about the power of hopeful collective action.

October 24, 2022 we have another chance to use our democratic voice for effective climate action.

Tickets free. Donations in any amount gratefully welcomed to help secure your climate future.

BIO: Maude Barlow

Maude Barlow is the bestselling author of 20 books. She sits on the board of Food & Water Watch, the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature, is a councillor with the World Future Council, and a founding member of the Council of Canadians. She served as senior water advisor to the UN General Assembly seeking to recognize water as a human right. She is the recipient of the Right Livelihood Award and current chancellor of Brescia University. Maude Barlow’s latest book, Still Hopeful: Lessons From A Lifetime of Activism is essential reading for all of us who want to understand past challenges and who seek to build a positive and “human-centred future” for all. She lives in Ottawa, Ontario.

BIO: Phil Pothen

Phil Pothen, J.D., M. Land. Arch, is environmental, land use planning and administrative lawyer, and the Ontario Environment Program Manager with Environmental Defence. Using a combination of political advocacy, community legal education and strategic litigation, Phil is helping lead the fight to protect Ontario's natural heritage, curb sprawl, and transform existing car-dependent post-WWII developments across the province into denser, walkable and transit-supporting complete communities.

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