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"Welcome" Back Doug Protest Party

This event is about sending a great big NO to Doug Ford and the “Progressive” Conservatives.

... and having some fun at the same time.

This is NOT a warm welcome for Doug Ford.  It's an ironic "nice to see you back" after the government took 10 weeks off.

This is a protest party for all of us who care, who want to stop the Progressive Conservatives' agenda of privatizing public services while ignoring Indigenous voices, unions, experts, and its own citizens.

*** Bring your grievances, signs, and banners!
Bring your friends and your family.
Please share widely! ***

This is a Coalition Event:
Indigenous Rights,
Workers' Rights,
Persons with Disabilities, ODSP & OW
Recipients, Autism,
Long Term Care,
& our very Democracy
and on and on and on!

The list is long. We need to come together in solidarity to effect change with #PeoplePower

#ItsAboutEverything that Ford is destroying.

This event will be energizing, peaceful & fun – with ceremony and prayer, and continuing with speakers, dance, song, poetry, art, and comedy that raises our spirits, build bridges, and pokes some fun at our failing leadership.

More info & updates @



It's time to fight back for a better day!

February 23

Colonial Canada and the Caribbean: Past and present

February 25

United For Old-Growth: March and Rally