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Update on City of Toronto Waste Strategy with City of Toronto Staff

Join Green 11 on March 24th at 7pm for an informative presentation on the City’s Long-term Waste Management Strategy Update. Connie Choy and Marie-Helen Brillinger from the Solid Waste Policy and Planning Division of the City of Toronto’s Solid Waste Management Services Division will join us to discuss the need for the update, provide an overview of the project phases, and highlight key activities that were conducted during Phase 1 public consultations.

Additionally, Connie and Marie-Helen will review the goals for Phase 2 of the project and share ways you can get involved in shaping the future of the Waste Strategy through upcoming public consultations. Your input is essential and they look forward to hearing your feedback! The audio of this meeting will be recorded and this audio recording as well as the presentation slides will be shared with registrants after the event.

Register and More details:

March 14

Social Connection and Access in Cities: Taking a Community-Engaged Approach to Advancing Social and Health Equity in Urban Spaces

March 25

Cass Sunstein on "Climate Justice"