When: Friday October 9, 3pm
Where: Queens Park
Featuring: Musician Lacey Hill (@musiclacey)
With speakers from 1492 Land Back, No Pride in Policing, No More Silence, No One is Illegal - Toronto, and more!
No One is Illegal - Toronto
Climate Justice TO
OFL First Nations, Métis and Inuit Circle
Toronto Prisoners Rights Project
Tamil Freedom Coalition
Palestinian Youth Movement
Rising Tide TO
Showing Up for Racial Justice
No Pride in Policing
No More Silence
Oct 9, 2020 Land Defenders will be fighting an injunction in Ontario Courts. Come out to support Indigenous land defenders against the colonial legal system!
We will meet and gather at Queen's Park to insist that the government meet the demands of the land defenders.
We welcome supporters and allied organizers to engage in any creative shows of solidarity!
There will be speakers and music!
This will be a family friendly event and rally. COVID protocols will be followed. PPE will be provided. (Read more below)
If you cannot attend but would like to support the Land Defenders, you can e-transfer funds to landback6nations@gmail.com to help with their exorbitant legal costs.
For updates, follow their page at: https://www.facebook.com/1492LandBackLane
More info:
On October 9th, the land defenders of 1492 Land Back Lane will be appearing in Ontario's court to defend against the province's injunction.
They are asking for solidarity actions across the country on Oct. 9.
1. Provincial, Federal and Territorial Governments must respect Indigenous Peoples’ sovereignty over their lands and waters.
2. That 1492 Land Back Lane remain under Haudenosaunee control and Haudenosaunee sovereignty over the Haldimand Tract respected.
3. End the criminalization of Land Defenders and their allies everywhere.
The Haudenosaunee Land Defenders have been re-occupying a proposed development site for several months in Caldedonia, next door to the Six Nations of the Grand River Reserve in southwestern Ontario.
Land defenders argue that community did not give consent to the building of a large housing complex. Instead of supporting community self-determination, the Ontario government has used state violence to arrest land defenders and are currently using the courts to get an injunction to legally force the land defenders off the property.
The Haldimand Tract was part of the 1784 Haldimand Proclamation that promised land to Six Nations of the Grand River. However, the Canadian government unlawfully sold it to a developer after an Indian Agent sold the reserve land in question to a private party in 1853.
The Haudenosaunee people never ceded the land.
Throughout history, Haudenosaunee jurisdiction over the Haldimand Tract has been undermined. Canada has failed to act honorably in their relationship to the Haudenosaunee and failed to protect the Haldimand Tract for their use and enjoyment.
Years after the 2006 reclamation of Kanonhstaton, formerly Douglas Creek Estates, Haudosaunee Land Defenders have been peacefully reclaiming a nearby site along the Haldimand Tract since July 19, 2020.
On August 5th, Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) violently attacked the peaceful camp using rubber bullets, tasers, and brute force. They arrested nine people and charged them with serious offences. Soon after, community members returned to the site to keep protecting their land from development.
In the last few weeks, the OPP have arrested about 20 people when they were offsite leaving the camp, or at their homes after they had visited the site, in Hamilton, Guelph, and other cities. Two journalists have been arrested and charged, just for covering the story (see link below). This is a strategy to criminalize peaceful protest.
In addition, Provincial government officials’ negative words have paved the way for racist intimidation, threats, and harassment of the Six Nations Land Defenders. By criminalizing Indigenous Peoples, the province and its police force are perpetuating colonialism and racism.
Participants of Land Back Lane want the community to have the time and space to heal from the colonial disruptions to their decision making structures and governance, but they cannot do that when land is being stolen from under their feet, and their community is unable to expand to meet their needs, as Six Nations is the most populous First Nation in Canada with over 27,000 members.
We call on the provincial government to respect and uphold the rights of Indigenous people over their unceded land and allow community members to develop solutions within their own community and in their own way.
Join us to confront colonial capitalism and demand respect for Indigenous people.
Wearing a mask is mandatory
Keep 2 meters apart from others that are not in your bubble at all times
Bring and use hand sanitizer
Do NOT come if you feel ill, are showing any symptoms, have travelled in the past 14 days or have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19
Do not take close-up photos or video of participants in order to respect their privacy. Or please get their permission.