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Old-Growth 2022 – Facts & Fiction

Almost two years since the B.C. government released its Old-Growth Strategic Review and committed to its implementation, lasting protection of endangered forests and the promised paradigm shift to safeguard biodiversity remain elusive. The clock is ticking for old-growth forests. 

Despite some steps in the right direction, recent government and industry spin has created a hot mess of facts and fiction. This makes it difficult to know if we are making progress protecting old-growth in B.C. and undermines our momentum to keep the pressure up.  

Join us for this upcoming webinar featuring Torrance Coste, national campaign director at Wilderness Committee; Jens Wieting, senior forest and climate campaigner at Sierra Club BC; and moderator Jackie Larkin from Elders for Ancient Trees to learn how to distinguish facts and fiction when it comes to old-growth in B.C. We will discuss: what amount of at-risk forests have temporary deferrals? How much is newly, fully protected? What type of support exists for Indigenous communities and groups seeking to protect forests? And more.

This webinar will include a Q&A where our panellists will answer your forest-related questions and make sure you have up-to-date and factual messaging that can be used wherever you are to help protect the forests you love.

June 28

Comox Tabling at Comox Climate Action Open House

June 28

Victoria Fracking the Peace Film Screening