Tritium has been generally regarded as one of the less dangerous radionuclides based on its cancer risk for adult people notably males. Dr. Makhijani (pictured above) argues that harms to pregnant women, mitochondrial DNA damage, early failed pregnancies and serious birth defects are all harms that indicate tritium poses far greater dangers than has been realized. This points to tightening exposure standards including drinking water concentration limits.
Dr. Arjun Makhijani’s scholarship, activities and concerns range widely, including public policy, concerns of radiation effects on humans and the environment, the science & menace of nuclear weapons, and practical methods of achieving 100% carbon-free, nuclear-free electricity. He has authored many books and reports that persuasively expound his conclusion that we can achieve an emissions-free, affordable and equitable energy future, including his 2016 study, Prosperous, Renewable Maryland: Roadmap for a Healthy, Economical, and Equitable Energy Future and his Colorado Energy Affordability Study (2022 with numerous co-authors). His latest book is Exploring Tritium Dangers (2023).
Dr. Makhijani earned a PhD in electrical engineering at University of California, Berkeley, 1972, specializing in nuclear fusion. He is president and co-founder of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research.
In 1989, he received The John Bartlow Martin Award for Public Interest Magazine Journalism of the Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern University; with Robert Alvarez; was awarded the Josephine Butler Nuclear Free Future Award in 2001; and the 2007/2008 Jane Bagley Lehman Award for Excellence in Public Advocacy by the Tides Foundation.