Neighbourhood Climate Action Grant Info Session
Date: May 21, 2024 06:00 PM
Hosted by: City of Toronto
Zoom registration:
Join this webinar to learn more about the Neighbourhood Climate Action Grant offered by the City of Toronto. During this session you will learn about the requirements to apply for this grant and will have the opportunity to have your questions about the application process answered.
About the Neighbourhood Climate Action Grants
Are you interested in a resident-led climate action project in your community?
The Neighbourhood Climate Action Grants might be the perfect opportunity for you!
This project aims to increase awareness and engagement on climate action at the local level by funding resident-led projects, activities and events that:
Reduce the emissions that contribute to climate change.
Educate and engage the public on climate change and climate action.
Advance the principles, priorities and actions of TransformTO Net Zero Strategy and the Toronto Strong Neighbourhoods Strategy.
Receive up to $7,500 for your project by submitting a proposal.
Apply on the Neighbourhood Climate Action Grants website by June 12: