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March 3 webinar: Mark Jacobson’s new book on saving climate

Two esteemed environmental leaders will discuss the existential threat of an accelerating climate change that Earth faces and how renewable energy, energy efficiency and conservation can help navigate through the crisis. The webinar begins at 11:30 am PST/2:30 pm EST on Friday, March 3, 2023 on Zoom.

To join the webinar on March 3rd, click on this Zoom link:

Stanford University Professor Mark Z. Jacobson will discuss his new book, “No Miracles Needed: How Today’s Technology Can Save Our Climate and Clean Our Air”. The program and a public Q&A will be moderated by Ken Cook, president of the Environmental Working Group (EWG). The webinar is being hosted by the Samuel Lawrence Foundation in partnership with Beyond Nuclear.

Jacobson is a professor of civil and environmental engineering and directs Stanford University’s Atmosphere/Energy program. As an authority, author and educator on air pollution and energy and climate policy, Jacobson is a driving force behind the science informing the Green New Deal and the related laws and regulations at all levels of government. He is an academic author of textbooks including  “Fundamentals of Atmospheric Modelling” (1999), “Atmospheric Pollution: History, Science and Regulation” (2002), “Air Pollution and Global Warming: History, Science, and Solutions” (2012) and “100% Clean, Renewable Energy and Storage for Everything” (2020).  “No Miracles Needed,” recently published in 2023, “describes how to solve the climate crisis, and at the same time eliminate air pollution and safely secure energy supplies for all – without using miracle technologies. It explains how to use existing and known technologies to harness, store, and transmit energy from wind, water, and solar sources to ensure reliable electricity and heat supplies worldwide. It also discusses which technologies are not needed but are currently being pursued, including natural gas, carbon capture, direct air capture, blue hydrogen, bioenergy, and nuclear energy. Written for everyone, No Miracles Needed advises individuals, communities, and nations on what they can do to solve the problems, and discusses the economic, health, climate, and land benefits of the solutions.”

Joining Professor Jacobson as the webinar moderator is the highly esteemed Ken Cook, president and cofounder of EWG, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to protecting and advocating for human health and the environment. Mr. Cook is widely recognized as one of the environmental community’s most prominent and influential critics of industrial agriculture, U.S. food and farm policy and the nation’s broken approach to protecting families and children from toxic substances.  Beyond Nuclear recognizes that in 2007 Mr. Cook strongly testified in the interest of  public safety and environmental protection before Congress on US energy policy and the American public’s right to understand the full implications and risks arising from the transportation of  tens of thousands of high-level nuclear waste shipments that the US government was designating to travel by major roads, rails and barges. More than 100,000 metric tons of highly radioactive and thermally hot “spent” nuclear fuel from the nation’s nuclear power stations (sited predominately east of the Mississippi River) has been designated to travel through many major US population centers enroute to proposed “national sacrifice zones” (sited predominately in western states) for permanent deep geological repositories and consolidated interim storage facilities (CISF).  Mr. Cook’s poignant testimony then is only more relevant now in light of the February 3, 2023 East Palestine, Ohio train derailment and chemical spill and the federal government licensing of two consolidated interim storage facilities in Texas and New Mexico involving the cross country transportation of high-level radioactive waste dry storage casks.



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