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Livable Futures for All Video Call-Out for Week of Climate Action

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Video Submission Call Out for the Week of Global Climate Action, Day 2, September 22 and beyond!

We are living in a time of multiple, inter-connected crises. Early this year, we saw the impacts of the climate emergency across the world, with flooding and wildfires. Then, COVID-19 turned the world upside down and clearly showed us just how vulnerable our communities can be.

At the same time, we've seen networks of care form and that government can act to strengthen our social infrastructure for the good of all.

This moment, as government makes recovery plans, is an unprecedented chance to #BuildBackBetter and insist on a #JustRecoveryforAll and a livable future.

Let us know how you feel, send us your thoughts, show us your creativity with a short, 30 second (maximum) video or a photo! Consider including some art or a chalk drawing. Or tell us your story and why climate justice and a livable future for all matters to you.

What to Submit:
30 second (maximum length) clip or photo on what a Livable Future for All means to you. See an example in the comments below! *Note that video submissions may be edited for length and used along with other images, videos and calls to action.

How to Submit:
Email your file to

If the file is larger than 25 MB, please go to and attach the file here. With wetransfer, you can send a file of up to 2 GB to

Please put "Livable Future for All Video Submission" in the subject line and include your name in the body of the email. No registration to WeTransfer is needed.

When to Submit:
By September 18th for the chance that your video or photo will be used to highlight the livable futures for all theme in online events during the week!

Throughout the week of climate action, September 19th-24th, to be used on Social Media to encourage a #JustRecoveryforAll. During that week, there will be organized MP visits (virtual or socially-distanced) and more!

Video and image submissions may appear in an Africa Climate Actions Initiative ( webcast scheduled for September 22nd, 12 noon or other online actions, on youtube, websites or as part of campaigns to encourage a #JustRecoveryforAll during the week and beyond!

The week of climate action culminates on September 25th with the next Fridays for Future global day of climate action, This year, the theme is a Just Recovery for All ( and Livable Futures for All is one of Fridays for Future Toronto's pillars. See

There are many things to speak out about! As we face the pandemic, our government continues to fund the fossil fuel industry, investing billions in pipelines like the TransMountain Expansion (the latest reports show it could cost well over $20 billion of public money) and the Coastal Gaslink that is being built on unceded Indigenous land right now. On the provincial level, there are plans to ramp up natural gas, decimating any climate gains we’ve made to date and environmental protections are being rolled back.

A livable future for all means acting on the climate crisis and no longer funding destructive industry. It means not putting profits before people, but instead investing in ways that strengthen our communities. It means helping workers and communities during a Just Transition to a circular economy of care. It means acting for racial justice and insisting that people and planet are no longer harmed and devalued. We must have a greener, healthier and equitable future! The time is now.

Get creative and show us what kind of future you’d like to see. Tell us what actions you want our elected representatives to take now, as we recover from COVID-19? what changes must we see, to minimize and handle ongoing and future crises? Why does it matter to you?

We look forward to seeing your submissions!

In Solidarity, the ClimateFast Team

PS - You can also share your creations on social media yourself and/or send them directly to your own MP’s! Be sure to let them know you want to see a Just and Green Recovery and what that means to you.

Tags to use: @climatefast @fridaysforfutureto, #JustRecoveryforAll#NOTGOINGBACK#BuildBackBetter.

Check out the calendar at for a list of events as they are posted, so that you can participate during the week of climate action! 


September 10

Storytelling: A Three-Part Webinar Series

September 10

Online Organizing