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Is working from home reducing your carbon footprint?

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When COVID-19 forced the closure of many workplaces and sudden transitions to work-from-home, a big question continued to crop up: would working from home mean smaller carbon footprints?

Alexandra Samuel is well-positioned to answer the question. Samuel’s new book Remote, Inc.: How to Thrive at Work . . . Wherever You Are covers the complexities and possibilities of working from home. Along with coauthor Robert C. Pozen, Samuel argues that our new realities present a sink-or-swim moment which requires creative solutions to our new work woes.

Can our new era of work be a force for good in the climate crisis?

Join Samuel with Conversations host and Canada’s National Observer founder and editor in chief Linda Solomon Wood on June 10 for our last episode of the season!

June 10

Indigenous Economics Conference!

June 12

The Push for a Price on Carbon: CCL's June 2021 Virtual Conference