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How White Supremacy Built Wall Street

Get your seat for the teach in "How White Supremacy Built Wall Street " on June 15 at 4PM EST/1 PM PST

Get skilled up on how the finance industry evolved to exploit racialized bodies and is using its massive amounts of power and capital to fight back against our struggles for racial, climate, gender, and economic justice with Take on Wall Street's Ericka Taylor.

The history of how the United States became the wealthiest country in the world is critical to understanding frontline struggles in the USA today. That wealth and power is a direct result of the land-theft and genocide of Indigenous people and the free labor of enslaved people. The sale of Black bodies (and of the cotton and cash crops they were forced to produce) was not only critical to the creation of Wall Street as a financial model, but it was also foundational to the development of modern capitalism itself.
To understand this interwoven history is to advance in understanding how to wield the power of the financial system against itself, at a time when many are stuck at home and numerous crises have come to a head.

June 14

Campaign for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty

June 16

Climate Change in the Canadian Media