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HMW Encourage Composting in the City? Part 1/3 – Research Methods

About this event


This is part one of a three-part design thinking event series. In this session, we will:

  • Kick things off with a group ice-breaker activity

  • Provide an overview of the topic area

  • Learn about qualitative research methods

  • Learn how to conduct and facilitate user research interviews

  • Learn about best practice interviewing techniques

  • Practice interviewing online in groups


How Might We Encourage Composting in the City?

This summer, we are putting our design thinking skills into practice! In this 3-part event series, we will kick things off with a session on user research methods, go on a site visit to a greenhouse and community garden and participate in a compost demo tour. We will test our user research interviewing techniques at a public farmers market and take part in a group workshop, where we will share our insights.

Intended Outcomes

  • Learn about user research methods and interviewing techniques

  • Site visit and tour of a community garden and greenhouse including a compost demo

  • Test out our user research interview techniques at a public farmer's market

  • Participate in a research synthesis and ideation workshop

  • Connect with other event attendees and collaborate in group work


How do I register? Is this event free?

Yes, this is a free event. You can register for the event online here by clicking on RSVP. You will need to login to your OpenIDEO account to RSVP.

What if I do not have an OpenIDEO account?

You will need to create an account in order to participate – it's free to sign up!

Where do I go to read about the other event sessions in the series?

You can view all upcoming event sessions on our main chapter page here:

Do I need to register for all three of the sessions in the series?

You will need to RSVP to the sessions you wish to attend to guarantee your spot. So if you are attending all three, then yes. Your RSVP response will help us manage attendee numbers.

I can only attend some sessions, is that ok?

Yes. However, we do encourage folks to attend at least two out of the three sessions in order to gain a meaningful learning experience.

I didn't attend a session, can I still participate in the event or other sessions?

Yes. When you RSVP, please indicate which session you missed and we will follow up with you individually and email materials to read to help you catch up.

I signed up to a session, but now I cannot make it. What should I do?

We ask that folks who registered but can no longer attend to let us know ASAP or to un-RSVP their attendance so that we can open up available spots to other folks who might be on the waiting list.

Who do I contact if I have questions?

Please contact us here using the "contact us" button at the bottom of this page. You can also DM us via twitter or Instagram.

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