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Do Big Nuclear and SMRs Have a Place in a Climate Crisis?

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Do we need more nuclear energy? Or, is the Climate Crisis an excuse to expand a dying and dangerous industry?
The Trudeau government and four provinces support the costly production of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs): compact, transportable, nuclear reactors.
SMRs aren’t even functional yet. In fact, our tax dollars will help develop them. This is money that could go toward renewables that are cheaper, safer, more reliable, and available now!
High-profile accidents, radioactive mine tailings and waste, and potential bomb production obviously don’t concern certain politicians, and business interests.
Our guests will be Gordon Edwards of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility and Angela Bischoff of the Ontario Clean Air Alliance. Find out why we have to stop nukes, large and small!

Angela Bischoff
Angela developed her activist skills as Director of the Edmonton Bicycle Commuters. In 1990, she co-founded The EcoCity Society, an Edmonton-based urban environmental advocacy organization. In 1999, she moved to Toronto where she became Project Manager with the Toronto Atmospheric Fund and the Clean Air Partnership, City of Toronto agencies that aim to reduce climate change and smog emissions. She organized the annual Smog Summit conferences, and managed the educational funding program Cool Schools. More recently, Angela has taken on the nuclear industry as Outreach Director of the Ontario Clean Air Alliance. She continues her educational work through her Greenspiration email lists, and publishes an email newsletter called No Nukes News.

Gordon Edwards
In 1975 he co-founded the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility, and has been its president since 1978. Edwards has worked widely as a consultant on nuclear issues and has qualified as a nuclear expert by courts in Canada and elsewhere.[1]
Edwards has written articles and reports on radiation standards, radioactive wastes, uranium mining, nuclear proliferation, the economics of nuclear power, and non

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