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CCTO Climate Action Facilitator Training May 27th & 28th, 2023

Carbon Conversations TO's (CCTO) Climate Action Facilitator program is designed to build your capacity to lead and facilitate our Climate Change and You six-part program.

What can you expect from this program? The opportunity to:

  • Develop skills for effectively facilitating group activities and discussions around climate change issues, co-creating a safer space for sharing feelings and thoughts, and addressing common challenges in group dynamics

  • Experience the power of active listening and how asking open, honest questions helps others to express and process emotions arising from climate change

  • Gain familiarity with CCTO’s Climate Change and You (CC&Y) program and use its materials to practice facilitating a short workshop

  • Recognize CCTO ‘s mission, values and commitment to climate justice, how these connect to the big picture of collective climate action

  • Join a community of climate conscious people, while connecting with other facilitators towards creating a facilitation team.

Your facilitators: Aryne Sheppard, Rose Barcarse, and Amy Castator

Registration Deadline: May 13rd, 2023 (or until registration is full). Registration is limited to 20 participants.

Your application form will be reviewed and if we have any questions, we will contact you for clarification or more information. You will receive an email of acceptance into the training within one week of your application. To confirm your spot, you will be asked to e-transfer the $300 fee to

The full cost for the 2-day training session is $300. If cost is a barrier for you to participate, please let us know by sending us an e-mail at

The cost includes a $100 deposit which will be returned when you host your own Climate Change and You program.

Day of Details

Parking: Underground parking is available on site

Public Transportation: Take the Spadina 510 Streetcar south to Bremner Ave., when you get off, walk 3 minutes west on Fort York Blvd.

Refreshments, snacks, and lunch will be provided.

More information about the training program is available on our website or promotional slide deck.


May 28


June 5

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