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CCL Canada Onboarding Calls

About us

Since September 2010, Citizens' Climate Lobby Canada has been building the political will for an evidence-based and socially-just carbon pricing policy.

We are a community of focused volunteers from across Canada who are stubborn optimists, non-partisan, action-oriented and we use a proven theory of change.

Learn about how we work and appreciate the institutional wisdom that is deeply embedded into our work.

We are in a transformational moment in history. We have everything we need to make a better world. All we need is political will.

The biggest hurdle we need to overcome now is the psychological fear of ending our addiction to fossil fuels.

How do you conquer fear? With love.

Join us and join the best lobbyists that money can't buy.

February 3

EBC's Snowshoe & Hot Chocolate Event

February 6

RM Virtual Praxis 2023 - 2024 Cohort